Monday, December 29, 2008

One day fast

I have to do a one day water fast........
I ingested so much salt yesterday my body has gone into shock........
We worked hard on the ambulance and healthy eating was not an option...
It was 7 11 food....chocos at the nurses station and I feel rotten.....
My uniform pants felt tight last night driving home from the city, and that is a
big freaking NO NO................

My partner looked at me at one point and said "I cant believe you of all people are eating that"......
THAT was a big fat muffin with choco chips nestled inside........
An egg salad sandwich on flax...with icky mayo.....................
I ate a small bag of gummi bears or some shit like that.....its not even a food....
I ate chocolates...GODIVA chocolates from one of the doctors.......
ALL SHIT FOOD.......not one peice of fruit...not one salad.......
I need to cleanse, and cleanse I shall...........................
after today back to healthy eating....all the things I do love...
oranges, bananas, salads (with a wee bot of chicken) nuts, all whole foods.......

I cant believe I am not sleeping....we crawled home at 04:00hrs......
I am the girl that needs lots of sleep.........I am debating a bath and trying again in my bed........
I started a new book....sometimes I cant sleep when I start afresh........
I didnt want the last one to really pisses me off when a good read comes to an end..........
I am obviously overtired as the words keep coming and coming......................

Okay now.....Hot Bath.....Hot I come........


I Hate to Weight said...

please know that i'm not trying to preach. your post made me sad. i don't believe our bodies want to fast, and i don't think they want us to fast. hunger is a sign that it's time to eat. what's good about fasting? it makes us light-headed and incapable of doing our usual day. we think we're virtuous, right? i don't get it, although i often think i should starve myself for a few days to get back into pants that fit well -- when i was starving. you work so hard for such long hours -- i hope you can give your self-torture a rest. i once heard a preacher give a beautiful sermon. i'm paraphrasing terribly here, but he said that when the people came to Jesus and they were hungry, he gave them food and when they were weary, he gave them sleep. not a new SUV or new clothes. i don't know if this makes any sense, but i do believe we need eat when we're hungry and sleep when we're tired. is this a blowhard, on my soapbox ramble?

bookofsecret7 said...

I know how you feel, i try and eat right and somewhat maintain my wieght, but when you work in healthcare your always on the go and cant be to picky at all about what you eat. I love your blog, you seem like a very interesting gal!!! i look forward to seeing more post!!

Red Bird said...

I will never fast just leads to a huge binge............
I promise.....and I should know wee brain cant affors to starve....