Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eating Out..........

Huge challenge.....
Eating out with my co-workers...........
I am so sick of "You are only having salad".....with a roll of the eyes.....
or "Why don't you just eat".........
all that drivel....
I am never going out to eat again......
I am never going to eat out again......

Today, to avoid all the questions I ate........I really ate.......
I ate a ginormous hamburger, and the greasy stinking fries........
I still feel dirty.....filthy.....dirty................

Now I am educated, and I do know this isnt rational, but I AM STILL FREAKIN DIRTY AND FILTHY WITH THAT SHIT INSIDE ME, not to mention swelling up with fat with every minute that ticks by............................Every day I say to self..."I WILL NOT PURGE TODAY".......and almost everyday, yeah you guessed it...........I PURGE...........................
I had to speed home (on very icy roads) to rid myself of the filth........I am torn......
I know its wrong....I Know all of it.....I KNOW, but I cant seem to stop.....................
Tomorrow is a new day..................................................

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