Monday, February 2, 2009

Wow....what a night....I am reminded of why I choose this profession......
We were called to back up another crew at a code......
Man saved....doesnt happen often, but it does happen....
If you dont know CPR...learn it.....

Earlier in the night I was reminded why its a dangerous profession....
Found out after the fact, a previous patient is HIV and is HEP C positive...
I am sure I was gloved and careful?....I think I am sure? I sure?.....
I will say a prayer for myself and the young woman...........................
What a night.......I need to sleep but I am to wound up and my yougest needs a ride to school soon>>>>>>>>>>>>.....So coffee and splenda it is.............and damn it I
wanted to go shopping for a new lay rug for my living room...............maybe tomorrow.....Now I am just jabbering...........over tired you see............

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