Tuesday, November 18, 2008

some women

ahhh...there are some women whom I despise.....

its just there are some woman......

Number one......my previous partner at work.......

We shall call her the "gossip snake"...

yes she is a snake...it made me sad, embarrassed, and angry to be forced (my job )

to endure her twittering about others lives....

on occasion (as I observed) she would slither from one person to the next with a low almost whispering(hissing) of a voice and enquire if so and so's husband (the cheater) is back at home with so and so (the poor thing).............This is the kind of woman who reprimands you if you choose not to answer your phone (I hear it ring, I look at the call display, I sigh, I move to the farthest part of my home so I cant feel the negative words, judgements and crap stream through the phone)........oh yes and there is the berating if I was privy to some nugget and kept it to my self......"How come you didn't tell me?"...."I cant believe you didn't phone me"...etc. etc. etc.

The funniest thing is this snake is in her early 50's.........I assumed maturity and quality would take hold of your life by that age.........I was wrong...we are what we are............

I am happy to report I no longer work with the venomous viper. I do on occasion take an overtime shift and have snake heart as my partner. I can deal with it in small doses, in fact its humorous to watch the coil, the strike, the spit of a snake.........................


Agnes Mildew said...

This post resonates. There really are older women who adore being vindictive and vituperative, aren't there? I know a few. It's hard to protect oneself from them from time to time.

From reading your posts, you sound a very savvy person; very switched on. Don't let the bastards get to you.

Agnes Mildew said...

Actually, as a further...my youngest daughter, Beth, 11, is currently having all sorts of angst through her peers. They behave just like those women you describe.

My husband and I sat with her and talked it all through; tried to help her to see their pettiness, bitterness and jealousies...

The following day, a lovely young lady said to her: You look lonely. Would you like to join in with us?

Every cloud has a silver lining, doesn't it?