Sunday, November 9, 2008

First blog entry...BLA BLA BLA

This is my first blog entry....bla bla bla...feel good...blah...outlet....bla....bla bla......Connect...
bla bla..........expand..............................................................................................................................
The brutal truth is that I am bored stiff.............
I have always wanted a splay my private thoughts out for the other cyber losers to see and critique.......My wish has come true.........
I recently underwent minor surgery which has left me with "6 weeks" away from my beloved career of choice (said somewhat condescendingly)...So now I have time, precious
time, to fill, waste, enjoy, pass, use constructively.............AHHHHH Time...........................
The highlight of my day is my SCRABBLE moves on Facebook...I know there is nothing wrong with this, but I am left with an empty feeling when all six games are done....Thank the Lord for my boyfriend and my aunt or I wouldn't even have that......I often wonder if they play just for me or if the like it.
At week two I got back on the treadmill.....not running but a brisk walk you could say...
I barely break out in a sweat, but I suppose its better than nothing, oh and yes, I am back in the pool..I cant do my laps but I can fart around in the deep end with water weights and join in the gossip circle which I truly despise.....Yes I am moving foreword in my recovery.............
I am cooking more........I wont pretend I like it, but I am doing it more....I have downloaded every song I have ever heard, let alone liked off of L#me#$r&. My lovely home is clean, really clean....well except for the hall closet.......I am saving it for when I do go over the edge of boredom......
My thought is that I will be able to blog to pass time......constructively that is............
The use of language, words, adjectives, incomplete sentences, all of that cant hurt the brain.

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